Bill Duggan

The Retirement Advantage, MI

Charitable Gift Annuities A Path to Philanthropy

A Path to Philanthropy with Perennial Benefits

If you are seeking a financial instrument that merges philanthropy with long-term investment, consider charitable gift annuities (CGAs). This form of charitable giving significantly impacts your chosen charitable organization and provides a range of benefits, from financial returns to tax advantages.

A charitable gift annuity is an agreement between a donor and a non-profit organization. The donor makes a significant charitable donation, and in return, the charity agrees to pay the donor (and possibly another beneficiary) a fixed annuity for the rest of their lives. This model offers a balanced blend of philanthropic intent and financial practicality, making it a popular choice for many.

There are several benefits associated with charitable gift annuities. Let's explore some of the most substantial ones:

  1. Steady Income Stream: One of the primary benefits of a CGA is the steady, guaranteed income. The donor's age generally determines the annuity rate at the time of the gift. It means older donors typically receive a higher annual annuity payment rate. Importantly, market volatility does not affect these payments, providing a reliable income stream for the rest of the donor's life.
  2. Tax Benefits: There are several tax advantages with CGAs. When you establish a CGA, you may be eligible for a partial tax deduction for your charitable donation, which may be claimed in the year the gift was made and may be carried forward for up to five years. Additionally, a significant portion of the annuity payments you receive may be tax-free. This tax-exempt portion is determined by the donor's age and the annuity rate and other factors.
  3. Capital Gains Advantages: If you fund your CGA with appreciated securities, you may potentially avoid immediate capital gains taxes. The capital gains tax is spread over the donor's life expectancy, which usually results in lower overall taxation.
  4. Flexibility: CGAs offer flexibility in terms of the assets you can use to fund them. They may be funded with cash, securities, or other property types. This flexibility enables donors to select investments that best align with their financial situation and goals.
  5. Philanthropic Impact: Beyond the financial advantages, the most profound benefit of a CGA is its philanthropic impact. Your gift is put to work immediately, supporting the mission and goals of the charitable organization of your choice.
  6. Legacy Building: CGAs allow donors to build a lasting legacy. The knowledge that your gift will continue to benefit a cause close to your heart, even after you're gone, can provide immeasurable personal satisfaction.

Charitable gift annuities offer a unique proposition for philanthropists. They provide financial benefits, tax advantages, and a fixed income for the rest of the donor's life. Moreover, they give peace of mind from knowing your generous gift makes a real difference in the world.

Before setting up a CGA, it's essential to consult with a financial advisor to understand how it fits into your overall financial strategy. While CGAs have multiple benefits, they may only be suitable for some. It's essential to consider your financial situation, tax circumstances, and philanthropic goals before making this significant commitment.

Charitable gift annuities are not just about intelligent financial planning but about investing in the world we want to see. So, as you explore your philanthropic and financial options, take notice of the potential benefits of charitable gift annuities. Any final decision should include consulting with an authorized representative.  Be care and be informed.

  • Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) offer a stable income stream, tax benefits including a partial tax deduction and reduced capital gains, and the flexibility to fund them with various types of assets.
  • The significant philanthropic impact and the opportunity to build a lasting legacy are other notable benefits of CGAs.
  • Before committing to a CGA, it's crucial to consult with a financial advisor to understand how it aligns with your financial strategy and philanthropic goals.

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Bill Duggan

The Retirement Advantage, MI

7020 Olde Farm Trail

Almont, Michigan 48003

(586) 336-9588

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